Un equipo de científicos alemanes ha probado
exitosamente en laboratorio un nuevo y revolucionario propulsor
denominado EM Drive, lo que podría abrir la puerta a la creación de un
motor 'warp' como el de la saga 'Star Trek', capaz de viajar más rápido
que la luz. Numerosos científicos tildan de imposible este motor, ya
que, según ellos, contradice las leyes actuales de la física.
Un equipo de científicos alemanes ha probado
exitosamente en laboratorio un nuevo y revolucionario propulsor
denominado EM Drive, lo que podría abrir la puerta a la creación de un
motor 'warp' como el de la saga 'Star Trek', capaz de viajar más rápido
que la luz. Numerosos científicos tildan de imposible este motor, ya
que, según ellos, contradice las leyes actuales de la física.
Un equipo de científicos alemanes encabezado por el
investigador Martin Tajmar, de la Universidad Técnica de Dresde, ha
presentado un estudio que
aporta nuevos resultados experimentales sobre el potencial
funcionamiento existoso del motor EM Drive (Electro Magnetic Drive).
Los resultados, que fueron presentados en el Foro de Propulsión y
Energía que tuvo lugar el pasado lunes en el Instituto Americano de
Aeronáutica y Astronáutica de Orlando (EE.UU.) atizan la polémica
científica que rodea a este motor, informa el portal sciencealert.com.
El EM Drive utiliza las cavidades de las microondas electromagnéticas
para convertir directamente la energía eléctrica en empuje, sin
necesidad de expulsar ningún elemento propulsor. Esta es la razón por la
que muchos creen que este propulsor podría ser el punto de partida para
los motores 'warp', capaces de doblar el espacio-tiempo para viajar más
rápido que la luz, como en la película 'Star Trek'.
"Nuestras mediciones revelan propulsiones, tal y como se esperaba por
las afirmaciones anteriores, después de estudiar cuidadosamente las
interferencias térmicas y electromagnéticas. De confirmarse, esto podría
revolucionar los viajes espaciales", sostiene el informe científico,
titulado 'Mediciones directas de la propulsión del EM Drive y evaluación
de posibles efectos secundarios', el cual indica que el origen de la
misma aún es "desconocido".
"Es la primera vez que ha participado alguien con un laboratorio bien
equipado y una gran experiencia en el seguimiento del error
experimental en lugar de ingenieros que pueden, inconscientemente, estar
influenciados por el deseo de ver que sí funciona", señala el portal Wired.
Este revolucionario motor fue creado por el ingeniero británico Roger
Shawyer en 2006 y la razón por la que la comunidad científica se
muestra tan escéptica es que contradice las leyes actuales de la física,
en concreto la ley de conservación del momento. Además, el trabajo
de Shawyer ha sido desestimado por no haber elaborado publicaciones
científicas revisadas.
La NASA ya probó con éxito el verano pasado el propulsor espacial EM Drive, mientras que en mayo de este año NASA Eagleworks llevó a cabo
con éxito un experimento en vacío completo. Según sus estimaciones, una
nave WarpStar-1 (equipada con dicho motor) podría llegar a la Luna en
solo cuatro horas y un vuelo a Marte tardaría 70 días en vez de los
siete meses que se necesitan ahora.
'Star Trek: Beyond': Simon Pegg habla sobre el personaje de Idris Elba
La tercera entrega protagonizada por los tripulantes del USS Enterprise se estrena en España el 15 de julio de 2016.
Aunque el director de la próxima película de Star Trek sea Justin Lin, sin duda es Simon Pegg quien más está promocionando la próxima aventura del USS Enterprise. El actor británico fue quien escribió el personaje de Idris Elba, quien interpretará al villano principal de la película en la tercera entrega. Ahora ha dado más pistas sobre su papel. “Es un personaje muy interesante y complejo” ha dicho Pegg para MTV News.
Además ha puntualizado que será muy diferente a Khan (Benedict
Cumberbatch), el villano de la segunda entrega: “Solo porque supondría
un retroceso. Lo que no queremos hacer es tener el mismo tipo de villano con la misma motivación” ha concluido el actor que interpretará a Scotty en la película. Star Trek: Beyond llegará a las pantallas de España y EE.UU el 15 de julio de 2016 y contará una vez más con Chris Pine y Zachary Quinto en los papeles del Capitán Kirk y Spock, respectivamente.
lunes, 27 de julio de 2015
Star Trek Beyond Wigs
Zachary Quinto has posted another photo to his Instagram account, this one showing a variety of wigs to be used in Star Trek Beyond.
There are six wigs in the photo.
The wig to the left of Quinto looks like
a wig that would be used on a Vulcan (or perhaps a Romulan), while the
other two wigs on that same level appear to be human wigs.
On the top row, there is a shaggy wig, and a white pony tail. TrekToday reported last week that the brunette Sofia Boutella was seen around Vancouver with a long white ponytail, so perhaps this one is for her.
The last wig, on the bottom row, is dark and appears to be made for someone with a high forehead.
domingo, 26 de julio de 2015
'Fast & Furious' Actor Joins 'Beyond'
Joe Taslim reunites with director Justin Lim, bringing martial arts skills
In a sign that there might be a lot more physical action in the
upcoming "Star Trek: Beyond," director Justin Lin has brought in a
familiar face: Joe Taslim.
The Indonesia-born actor worked with Lin in "Fast & Furious 6"
where he played one of the villains, Jah. He is a former professional
Judo fighter, who competed with the Indonesian championship team until
injury forced him to retire in 2009.
After that, he focused on acting, first through roles in his native
country, and then being cast in an early Asian production through HBO,
"Dead Mine," in 2012. That led to "Fast & Furious 6," which earned
$238.7 million at the box office versus a $160 million budget.
Taslim joins a cast that already includes Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto,
Karl Urban, Zoe Saldana, Simon Pegg, John Cho and Anton Yelchin. Coming
in for one-off roles are "The Wire's" Idris Elba and Sofia Boutella of
"Kingsman: The Secret Service."
Although details of Taslim's character were not revealed, The Hollywood Reporter says he could play opposite Elba, who is coming in as a villain.
"Star Trek: Beyond" is set to premiere next July in time for the franchise's 50th anniversary
jueves, 23 de julio de 2015
Star Trek The Cabin
Star Trek fan Steve Doman has turned his Colorado cabin into a Trek-themed retreat.
The sixty-nine-year old fan has spent fourteen years making the transformation happen.
Doman bought the cabin in 1986 and has
thus far converted six of the eight rooms into Trek-themed rooms. He
plans on finishing the other two rooms. “I still have a couple more
rooms to finish off when everything downstairs is to my liking,” he
said, “so I figure I have enough work to last me until I’m 73 years old –
if I ever get that far!”
This is not the first transformation for the cabin. Before it became a
Trek cabin, it had a southwestern theme and an antique homestead theme.
“People can’t believe I’ve changed my house three times in twenty-nine
years now this is a dream house for a person that loves Star Trek.”
Two of the rooms include the Federation Room, and the Klingon Ambassador Quarters, where Doman sleeps.
“I was always interested in the future, right from the first Star Trek,” said Doman. “I would always get home as fast as possible to watch it – I’d never seen anything like it before.
“I never liked being in the now my life was always agonizing because I struggled socially.
“The future gave me a way to get out of that, and Star Trek became a bridge for me, like a crutch. I like to live in the future, it feels safer for me.”
Doman has spent over $30,000 on the renovations so far.
Ahora además podemos ver una primera imagen de uno de los aliens que poblarán el argumento dirigido por Justin Lin.
Siguen llegando las novedades dentro del rodaje de la película 'Star
Trek 3', ahora con una de las instantáneas de los aliens que poblarán su
trama. Ahora contando con el actor Simon Pegg también a cargo del guión
dirigido por Justin Lin. Ambos llegando a sus respectivos puestos
después de que el cineasta JJ Abrams abandonara la dirección y de que
Roberto Orci y Alex Kurtzman dejaran de lado el puesto de guionistas en
el celebrado regreso de la saga espacial.
Recientemente pudimos ver al reparto completo de la nueva película 'Star Trek 3'
apareció dentro del set de rodaje de la producción, mostrando el
interior de la célebre nave interestelar Enterprise. Todo por una buena
causa, dentro de una campaña benéfica para recaudar fondos que permitirá
a varios fans tener papeles de extras dentro del metraje final de la
superproducción de ciencia ficción que se estrenará en cines para
celebrar el medio siglo de la saga.
Por ahora no hay muchos
detalles acerca del argumento de la película, contando con un guión de
Simon Pegg y Doug Jung. Pero lo que sí trascendió a grandes rasgos es
que los responsables de la saga quieren orientarla a un símil de la
exitosa franquicia 'Guardianes de la Galaxia' de Marvel, es decir, con
una fuerte carga de humor "y un buen número de criaturas
También se adelantó que se dejarán de lado
algunas de las razas extraterrestres más célebres de su historia
televisiva y cinematográfica para ofrecer otras nuevas. Tal vez en esa
línea se pueda encuadrar la nueva instantánea divulgada.
lunes, 20 de julio de 2015
Massive STAR TREK BEYOND Outdoor Set Under Construction in Vancouver for Greenscreen Shoot
Just because the starship Enterprise is up and running on set, that doesn't mean that work on STAR TREK BEYOND
is confined to a soundstage: a massive outdoor build is underway for
the movie in Vancouver's Kent Hanger Field, on the banks of the Frasier
River's north arm.
Thanks to contributor Bob Glassford, we can share some exclusive shots of the Kent Hangar Field location, where gigantic mobile greenscreen units are being deployed in anticipation of filming.
Chris van Cauwenbergh
snapped this shot of an expansive, wooden structure being built at the
site, beyond (no pun intended) the greenscreen holding area -- you can
see it in the background of the fifth photo above.
We're certainly curious to know what this enormous construct will eventually become.
Kent Hangar Field, west of Vancouver
International Airport, has been used several times for large-scale film
construction. Before STAR TREK BEYOND began work at the site, the location was used for outdoor filming on big-budget films such as Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Elysium, Godzilla, and Disney's Tomorrowland.
sábado, 18 de julio de 2015
La conexión Plutón con "Star Trek", "Star Wars" y "El Señor de los Anillos"
Cuando aún no nos hemos
recuperado del asombro que suscitan las imágenes tomadas por la sonda
News Horizon a su paso junto a Plutón y sus satélites, los científicos
de la Nasa dan más motivos para la sorpresa y el regocijo al proponer
nombrar puntos geográficos recién descubiertos inspirados por sagas
fantásticas y de ciencia ficción.
En efecto, tanta foto
alucinante de la News Horizon muestra montes, cráteres y demás lugares
que necesitan ser clasificados y nombrados minuciosamente. Y según
publica National Geographic, los científicos de la Nasa
han anunciado que los nombres se decidirán a partir de 10 categorías:
"Misiones espaciales y naves espaciales", "Científicos e ingenieros",
"Exploradores históricos", "Seres del inframundo", "Lugares
misteriosos", "Viajeros al infierno", "Exploradores y viajeros
ficticios", "Orígenes y Destinos de ficción", "Naves de ficción", y
"Autores de Exploración, artistas y directores".
Como se ve, la literatura y cine fantásticos van a dar mucho juego a
la hora de que surjan los nuevos nombres. Y así, algunos de los nombres
que se han dado a conocer son los de Clarke y Kubrick, por 2001: Una odisea del espacio; Balrog, Shire (La Comarca) y Mordor, por El Señor de los Anillos,; Kirk, Spock, Uhura y Sulu por Star Trek; Krypton por Supermán; y Vader, Tatooine, Leia, Skywalker y Solo por Star Wars. Entre las chicas tendremos los nombres de Alice y Dorothy, por Alicia en el País de las Maravillas y El mago de Oz.
martes, 14 de julio de 2015
Through a crowdsourcing donation program, Paramount Pictures,
STAR TREK BEYOND, and Omaze are giving fans a chance to win a walk-on
role in the next Star Trek film.
In a video released on Tuesday, the cast of STAR TREK BEYOND —
including John Cho, Simon Pegg, Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoë Saldana,
Karl Urban, Anton Yelchin and Idris Elba — walk through the corridors
and appear on the bridge of the USS Enterprise, as they explain the
philanthropic initiative.
You can check out the video below.
Press release:
Cast Members Announce “STAR TREK: TO BOLDLY GO” Campaign Benefitting the Cast’s Choice of Nine Global Causes
Today, Fans Can Visit Omaze.com/StarTrek to Enter for a Chance to Win! HOLLYWOOD, CA, JULY 14, 2015 – In an unprecedented
event, the cast of the Star Trek film franchise has created a unique
philanthropic initiative in partnership with Omaze. The Star Trek: To
Boldly Go campaign will support the cast’s personal selection of nine
global causes, which will each receive equal portions of the funds
raised when fans enter for a chance to win a walk-on role in director
Justin Lin’s Star Trek Beyond, the third film in the blockbuster
franchise, released on July 8, 2016. The campaign runs from 12:01 a.m.
PST on July 14thuntil 11:59 p.m. PST September 1st.
To coincide with the campaign’s launch, cast members John Cho, Simon
Pegg, Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoë Saldana, Karl Urban, Anton Yelchin
and Idris Elba recorded a special video message on the iconic Starship
Enterprise bridge set. The video, released today, kicked off production
and features the cast inviting fans to make franchise history as the
first fans to ever win a walk-on role in a Star Trek movie. For each $10
contribution made through the Omaze fundraising platform, eligible
participants will be automatically entered for a chance to win this
once-in-a-lifetime experience.
The Star Trek: To Boldly Go Grand Prize winner and a guest will:
Fly to Vancouver and stay in a 4-star hotel
Go behind the scenes of Star Trek Beyond, hang with the cast, and experience the filming of the movie
Be transformed by hair, makeup and costume teams into a Star Trek character and filmed for a scene in Star Trek Beyond
In addition to the Grand Prize Winner, six additional winners will be
randomly selected throughout the campaign to form the honorary “Star
Trek: To Boldly Go” crew. Star Trek: To Boldly Go is the first Omaze
campaign to have winners every week.
The Star Trek: To Boldly Go Crew will:
Visit the closed set and meet the cast of Star Trek Beyond
Be among the first to see scenes from the latest film
Travel to Vancouver
“Omaze is excited to bring this truly once-in-a-lifetime experience
to Star Trek fans around the world,” said Ryan Cummins, Co-Founder and
Co-CEO. “We are proud to give fans the chance to live out their dream
experience while simultaneously helping nine great causes. By allowing
anyone to enter for just $10, we are seeing the power our community has
in making an impact around the world.”
By donating directly to Omaze.com/StarTrek, fans will be supporting these nine global causes:
Brave Beginnings, an organization dedicated to ensuring that
ventilators and life-saving neonatal equipment are always available to
newborns in critical need. Nominated by Zoë Saldana.
Camp Sunshine, a place where children with life-threatening
illnesses and their families can regroup, reenergize, and restore hope
for the future. Nominated by Anton Yelchin.
Direct Relief International, one of the premiere disaster relief
organizations that operates worldwide. Nominated by Zachary Quinto.
Heaven Homes, an organization helping establish children’s homes and
centers, while providing secure, safe and loving environments where
children can be nurtured to realize their full potential. Nominated by
Idris Elba.
KidsCan, an organization that provides food, clothing and healthcare
to disadvantaged youth in New Zealand. Nominated by Karl Urban.
Koreatown Youth & Community Center, an organization serving the
evolving needs of the Korean American population in the greater Los
Angeles area as well as the multiethnic Koreatown community. Nominated
by John Cho.
Make-A-Wish, whose remarkable work is making wishes come true every
day for children suffering from lifethreatening illnesses. Nominated by
Chris Pine.
Time is Precious, an organization helping to create a more
comfortable and relaxed atmosphere for children, which in return helps
assist with their treatment and recovery. Nominated by Simon Pegg.
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, an organization that is
leading the way in advancing cures for childhood cancer and other
life-threatening diseases. Nominated by Susan Nimoy in honor of Leonard
In addition, fans who donate set amounts larger than $10 can receive
special limited edition Star Trek rewards including t-shirts, posters, a
cast-autographed red shirt, an advanced private screening of Star Trek
Beyond,and a replica Captain’s chair.
Happy 75th birthday to Star Trek: The Next Generation’s
Patrick Stewart, who was born on July 13th 1940 in West Riding of
Yorkshire, England and has become a favorite of all Trekkie generations.
His theater, television and film work, as well as his dedication to
charity make him an example of talent, hard work and good will for all
to admire. Stewart group up in a poor household where he faced domestic
violence problems. He became interested in drama back in 1951, when,
aged 11, he entered Mirfield Secondary Modern School. At 15, he left
school to increase his participation n the local theater. He also found a
job as a newspaper reporter but he would attend rehearsals during his
work hours and then invent the stories to report for the newspaper.
Stewart became a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1966
where he appeared next to actors such as Ben Kingsley and Ian
Richardson. In January 1967, he made his first TV appearance on
Coronation Street as a Fire Officer. For his 1970 Broadway debut, he
participated in Peter Brook’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, a critically
acclaimed production. In 1980, Stewart joined the Royal National Theater
in the early 1980s.
His Star Trek TNG work began in 1987 and continued, to the delight of
millions of Trekkies, until 1994. In a 1997 interview, Sir Patrick
shared his pride of the social and educational message TNG offered to
young viewers, “The fact is all of those years in Royal Shakespeare
Company – playing all those kings, emperors, princes and tragic heroes –
were nothing but preparation for sitting in the captain’s chair of the
Enterprise.” He truly made it so exciting, as he engaged the audience at
the controls of the legendary starship.
In 2006, Stewart made a video against domestic violence for Amnesty
International. He has also established a scholarship at the University
of Huddersfield, where he is Chancellor, to fund post-graduate study
into domestic violence and has become a patron of Refuge, a UK charity
for abused women.
He has also boldly entertained his fans with his humorous view on less serious subjects, such as baldness.
So happy birthday, sir! A cup of earl gray may be the captain’s favorite but perhaps champagne is in order.
El proceso de filmación de la película 'Star Trek 3' dejará al
equipo de producción con un buen número de kilómetros encima. Se acaba
de confirmar la elección de los escenarios, situándolos en Vancouver y
Dubái, bajo la dirección de Justin Lin.
El rodaje de la esperada película de ciencia ficción Star Trek 3
ya tiene confirmada la ubicación del grueso de las tomas. Se inicia en
tierras canadienses, concretamente en Vancouver, para posteriormente
pasar a Dubái, un emplazamiento cada vez más utilizado por los grandes
estudios de Hollywood. Justin Lin se encarga de la dirección del
proyecto después de haber sufrido algún que otro retraso en el
calendario de estrenos.
Además también se confirma que el actor
Leonard Nimoy, tristemente fallecido hace unos meses, tendrá un más que
merecido homenaje dentro del metraje final de la producción de ciencia
ficción, la cual además se estrena justo medio siglo después del inicio
televisivo de la mítica franquicia.
Recordemos que Leonard Nimoy tenía previsto aparecer de nuevo en la
saga, tal y como hiciera en las dos primeras películas, después del
genial giro del argumento ideado por JJ Abrams y Roberto Orci (director y
co-guionista respectivamente) para poder mantener de manera paralela
los dos universos de acontecimientos.
domingo, 12 de julio de 2015
La banda sonora que Jerry Goldsmith compuso para 'Star Trek'
Nos embarcamos en la nave “Enterpraise” para escuchar una de las
bandas sonoras más clásicas del género de Ciencia Ficción, la de “Star
Trek, la película”.Star Trek es pues el irónico título de una serie en la
que los protagonistas viajan a la velocidad de la luz.
“Star Trek” comenzó a emitirse en la NBC norteamericana en 1966 y pronto
dio lugar a un fenómeno desconocido hasta entonces en el mundo de la
televisión. El fenómeno de los fans. Sólo en Estados Unidos a finales de
los años 60 existían unos 400 clubs de seguidores, conocidos con el
nombre de “trekies”.
Durante los años 70 la serie se repuso varias veces y se creó una
serie de animación con los mismos personajes. Se planteó la posibilidad
de hacer una película pero finalmente la Paramount canceló el proyecto y
decidió producir una segunda parte de la serie.
El éxito de “La guerra de las galaxias” y de “Encuentros en la
tercera fase” propició un cambio de planes. La película contaría con un
gran presupuesto, 46 millones, Robert Wise el director de “West Side
Story” se pondría al frente y los protagonistas principales de la serie
volvieron a meterse en la piel de sus personajes. De esta forma la nave
Enterpraise iniciaba en 1979 su primer viaje cinematográfico,
inaugurando de esta forma una de las sagas de ciencia-ficción más
famosas de la historia del cine. Para componer la banda sonora el elegido fue Jerry Goldsmith por
entonces el único rival posible para John Williams que había hecho
historia con su música de “La guerra de las galaxias”. Goldsmith no era
ningún novato en el género y ya había mostrado su genio en otras
películas de ciencia ficción como “El planeta de los simios” o “La fuga
de Logan”. Su primera decisión fue no utilizar la sintonía clásica de la
serie de televisión compuesta por Alexander Courage y crear un tema
principal propio. Una espectacular fanfarria; potente y heroica.
El tema se ha convertido en un clásico de la música cinematográfica y
en el buque insignia musical de toda la saga de “Star Trek”. Goldsmith,
sin embargo, no se olvida la popular sintonía de la serie y la hace
sonar en un par de pasajes, asociada siempre a una escena clásica que
remitía con nostalgia al programa de televisión. Cuando el almirante
Kirk graba su cuaderno de bitácora.
Otro de los temas más apreciados de la banda sonora por los fans es
el tema de los Klingons; una marcha de aire guerrero que refleja el
espíritu combativo de esta raza alienígena. Goldsmith recuperaría este
tema en la quinta entrega de la saga y se utilizaría también en la serie
televisiva La nueva generación. El Goldsmith más amenazante y experimental lo encontramos en los
temas que tienen que ver con la nube. Aquí la orquesta se mezcla con
sonoridades extrañas de tipo electrónico. Para estas secuencias y las
que rodean al misterioso ser que controla la nube se inventó un nuevo
instrumento musical llamado Blaster Beam diseñado por el ingeniero Craig
Consistía en una serie de cables tensados sobre un armazón de metal
que se tocaban golpeando sobre ellos con palos y tubos, lo que producía
un sonido grave y algo siniestro. Este instrumento sería patentado y
utilizado posteriormente en otras películas.
No falta tampoco en la banda sonora un tema romántico, ya que aquí
también hay una historia de amor, la que viven el comandante Dekker y la
teniente Illia. Goldsmith creo para la ocasión un hermoso tema de amor
que está entre los mejores de su carrera.
La película se estrenó en diciembre de 1979. La banda sonora fue
nominada al Oscar pero aquel año la estatuilla se la llevó George
Delarue con Un pequeño romance. El éxito del film sin embargo reactivó
la pasión “trekie”. En los años siguientes verían la luz varias secuelas
y nuevas series de televisión, la mencionada “La nueva generación”.
Hasta la fecha la nave Enterpraise ha recorrido el espacio
intergaláctico en 12 ocasiones. Un mundo cinematográfico capaz de
rivalizar con la mismísima saga galáctica de George Lucas y que siempre
estará asociado a la música que creó Jerry Goldsmith para cinco entregas
de la saga.
jueves, 9 de julio de 2015
Idris Elba, who is set to play the main villain in STAR TREK BEYOND, recently discussed his familiarity with the Star Trek franchise and his career going forward.
“Almost everyone was a Trekkie, really, weren’t they?” Elba asked, during an interview with TV3. “I wouldn’t say I was a hardcore one but I definitely watched that show a million times,” he added.
“Spock was probably my favourite character – and in this one I have some scenes with Zachary Quinto.” Elba said.
The Pacific Rim actor recently talked to Radio Times that he has no plans of slowing down.
“I think for the last five years my career has really intensified and
I’m a career person, so I’m going to ride that wave – and then I’ll
slow down because my body will tell me to relax a bit more,” he said.
“But there are loads of roles I’d like to play – as an actor I’m
still growing. As long as I have an audience that enjoys watching me,
I’ll keep on doing it. I’m never going to stop acting, I love it too
much. I just want to keep the variety there.”
STAR TREK BEYOND, directed by Justin Lin and starring Chris Pine,
Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, Simon Pegg, John Cho, Anton
Yelchin, Sofia Boutella and Idris Elba will hit theaters on July 8, 2016. The film will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the franchise.
miércoles, 8 de julio de 2015
El aluminio transparente de Star Trek ya es una realidad
La realidad siempre supera la ficción y el universo de Star Trek
creado por Gene Roddenberry va camino de no ser una excepción a la
vista del avance de la tecnología, que en los últimos años ha traído a
nuestro tiempo, por ejemplo, el aluminio transparente del que hablaba el profesor Scott en la cuarta entrega de la saga.
Hoy los fanáticos de Star Trek ya pueden reservar un intercomunicador oficialidéntico al que aparecía en la popular saga, aunque en este caso funcionará mediante conexión Bluetooth con el teléfono móvil y costará nada menos que 150 dólares.
Pero para invento, sin duda, el aluminio transparente que muchos recordarán porque fue el material intercambiado por Scotty en “Star Trek IV: Misión Salvar la Tierra” con el objetivo de construir un tanque capaz de transportar a dos ballenas de la Tierra a su tiempo.
Surmet, uno de los contratistas militares
más importantes de Estados Unidos, es uno de los principales
desarrolladores a día de hoy de este aluminio transparente. Para
fabricarlo, se moldea y prensa el polvo de oxinitruro de aluminio y
posteriormente se funde a 2.000 grados centígrados durante varias horas antes de ser sometido a un proceso de pulido mecánico.
Que el «nuevo universo» trate de capturar a todos los fans casuales que pueda. Cada vez que surge algo proveniente de las series clásicas de Star Trek definitivamente tiene nuestra atención, pero esto roza lo extraordinario. La tienda oficial presentó una réplica exacta del comunicador utilizado en TOS,
basada en escaneados 3D provenientes de uno de los «props» originales
sobrevivientes. Pero eso no es todo: También funciona como altavoz Bluetooth y manos libres. Ya saben lo que quiero para mi cumpleaños.
Martin Cooper, inventor del teléfono móvil personal, dijo que el comunicador en la serie original de Star Trek
fue su fuente de inspiración para el desarrollo de la tecnología por la
que sería conocido más tarde. Su sonido es imposible de confundir, y a
pesar de las modificaciones posteriores en el diseño, todos recordamos
con cariño a aquel rallador de bolsillo. Durante años, los
seguidores más férreos de la serie han reproducido a este comunicador
utilizando diferentes objetos, y varias compañías ofrecen en línea sus
propias ediciones. La fidelidad en la reproducción del comunicador es
sin dudas el aspecto más valioso para todo fan, y eso nos lleva a la
tienda oficial de Star Trek, que inició la preventa de un nuevo comunicador Bluetooth.
En primer lugar, es hermoso. Metal prensado y fundido,
aluminio trabajado a máquina, y plástico ABS texturado obedecen a
rajatabla el formato original. En segundo lugar, cada curva, ángulo y
detalle sobre sus dimensiones fue calculado con la ayuda de varios escaneados 3D obtenidos del prop conocido como Alpha Hero, diseñado y construido por el mismísimo Wah Chang. Y en tercer lugar, su funcionalidad Bluetooth
permite utilizarlo ya sea como manos libres, o altavoz inalámbrico.
Posee una batería li-po integrada, una base magnética, un LED multicolor
que reporta el estado de la carga, y una carcasa de espuma de
poliuretano para un almacenaje seguro. De más está decirlo, ningún comunicador de Star Trek estaría completo sin sus sonidos originales, y fragmentos de conversaciones extraídos directamente de la serie de TV.
De acuerdo al sitio oficial, esta pieza maravillosa de la ciencia ficción cuesta 150 dólares, y las primeras entregas se llevarán a cabo en enero de 2016. La tienda de Star Trek se encarga de la comercialización, pero si te preguntas por el fabricante en sí, se trata de The Wand Company,
responsables por otros objetos formidables como el destornillador
sónico de Doctor Who, que funciona como mando a distancia. En un ataque
espontáneo de consumismo irracional, sólo voy a decir que necesito este
comunicador. Hoy.
Mount Spock? New Horizons' Pluto Name List Will Please 'Star Trek' Fans
The team behind NASA's New Horizons mission has
drawn up its proposed list of names for yet-to-be-discovered geological
features on Pluto and its moons — and the lineup ranges from Gilgamesh
(the mythical hero of the Mesopotamian epic of the 22nd century B.C.) to
Mr. Spock (the fictional Vulcan from the 23rd century A.D.).
There's plenty on the list to please "Star Trek"
fans as well as those who love "Star Wars," the writings of J.R.R.
Tolkien and H.P. Lovecraft, and "The Wizard of Oz." The proposed names
also evoke other sci-fi epics, real-life and fictional explorers, the
biggest names in space exploration, and myths and legends from around
the world.
Input for the list came from an "OurPluto"
online survey that drew about 60,000 filled-in ballots and 15,000
write-in candidates, said Mark Showalter, a planetary scientist at the
SETI Institute who organized the naming campaign.
The team behind NASA's New Horizons mission has
drawn up its proposed list of names for yet-to-be-discovered geological
features on Pluto and its moons — and the lineup ranges from Gilgamesh
(the mythical hero of the Mesopotamian epic of the 22nd century B.C.) to
Mr. Spock (the fictional Vulcan from the 23rd century A.D.).
There's plenty on the list to please "Star Trek"
fans as well as those who love "Star Wars," the writings of J.R.R.
Tolkien and H.P. Lovecraft, and "The Wizard of Oz." The proposed names
also evoke other sci-fi epics, real-life and fictional explorers, the
biggest names in space exploration, and myths and legends from around
the world.
Input for the list came from an "OurPluto"
online survey that drew about 60,000 filled-in ballots and 15,000
write-in candidates, said Mark Showalter, a planetary scientist at the
SETI Institute who organized the naming campaign.
What's It Like on Pluto?
Showalter and the New Horizons team expect
they'll have to give names to a legion of geographical discoveries when
the probe flies past Pluto and its moons on July 14. That's why
Showalter came up with the "OurPluto" campaign, which was modeled after
an earlier exercise to name two Plutonian moons he helped discover.
As was the case for those two moons, Styx and
Kerberos, it's up to the discoverers to propose names for craters,
mountains and other geographical features. But then it's up to the
International Astronomical Union to approve them. In this case,
Showalter and his colleagues are seeking "pre-approval" for the names on
the newly announced list.
"It's up to the IAU, but since the public was so
invested in the process, we thought it was appropriate to let the
public know what we're proposing," Showalter told NBC News.
'Star Trek': The Story of the Most Daring Cliffhanger in 'Next Generation' History
In June 1990, many Trekkies considered the crew of the Enterprise-D pretenders to the throne. Star Trek: The Next Generation was closing out its third season, and it was still struggling to step out of the shadow of Kirk's (William Shatner)
Enterprise. That was about to change thanks to a daring cliffhanger
pulled off in an era of television in which shocking deaths and major
plot twists weren't par for the course.
When "Best of Both Worlds: Part I" aired 25 years ago this week, it
was truly jarring to fans. The season three finale saw the return of The
Borg, the seemingly unstoppable villain introduced a year earlier. The
Borg captured Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) and
transformed him into Locutus of Borg, a de facto spokesperson for the
collective consciousness. The episode ended with Picard's No. 1
Commander Riker (Jonathan Frakes) giving a shocking
order ("Mr. Worf, fire.") and the screen cutting to the words "To be
continued...", something it had never done.
Written by Michael Piller and directed by Cliff Bole, "Best of Both Worlds" is arguably the most influential arc in Next Generation history.
Along with "Best of Both Worlds: Part II" and its aftermath episode
"Family," the story introduced layers of psychological complexity, bold
storytelling and emotional depth the show had not yet explored. "RICK BERMAN CALLED ME AND SAID, 'THIS IS FANTASTIC!' " Ronald D. Moore, member of the writers room: The
story really goes to Michael Piller, who was running the writing staff
in the third season when I joined the show. In the writers room, we
would often talk about revisiting the Borg. Piller said as the season
went on that he thought there should be a cliffhanger, which Star Trek had never done. Jonathan Frakes, Commander William T. Riker: All of
us were quite thrilled they had the balls to leave Picard on the Borg
cube. I don't know if they were trying to threaten Patrick with
renegotiations. It's commonplace now. Shows like Lost and House of Cards
— they'll kill off a regular and think nothing of it. This was 1990. It
was not commonplace to be killing off any of your series regulars. That
was a big "who shot J.R." type of plot. Moore: It was the only show that year that we didn't
actually sit in the room as a writing staff and break together. Michael
said he wanted to go do it. Michael had a very personal connection to
that particular story. The episode starts with Riker getting an offer to
go command another ship. That's at the heart of it. Michael said very
overtly that he was in a very similar place. He was the number two guy
on the show, and he was debating whether or not to leave Star Trek
and go and run his own show or if he wanted to remain second in command
of the Enterprise, as it were. So he was Riker, and he wrote the story
from that perspective.
Frakes: The episode was key to Riker's character.
Previously, I thought it was not very cleverly handled to have Riker say
in the first two seasons, "All I want is to have my own ship. I aspire
to be a captain in Starfleet." But then, when offered the ship, the
writers put in Riker's mouth that he didn't feel he was ready to
captain, or he didn't want to leave his friends. Michael Dorn, Lieutenant Worf: We didn't know how
they were going to handle it in terms of the special effects with
Patrick. At that point we trusted each other, we trusted the producers
and we trusted the writers enough to know that it was going to be
exciting. Alan Sims, property master: My pride with those
episodes would be the prosthetic arms, for which I created remote
control apertures. You would see it flicker and flip back and forth.
When the one Borg came to the Enterprise and captured Picard, that was
me off camera with a little remote control with two control joysticks
and antenna. Michael Westmore, makeup artist: Patrick Stewart
loved being in the makeup chair. He didn't care what it was — whether he
was doing a Shakespearean character in the Holodeck or doing the old
age makeup on "Inner Light," Patrick loved getting in the chair and
getting made up. He would be putting his two cents in, "Oh, let's do a
little more shading right here." He loved that part of the process. Moore: My favorite moment was seeing Picard in that
Borg outfit for the first time. When that reveal happens and he looks at
the camera and he's a Borg, and he says, "I am Locutus." It was a
shocking moment. You realize the show had gone someplace different. We
all knew that internally and were like, "Woah, OK. This is going to
break some molds." Westmore: My son [Michael Westmore, Jr.]
found the laser we mounted on Patrick's head for the end of "Part I."
It cost $200. It was a new product on the market and had never been
used on TV previously. We thought, "Oh this is going to be great," but
we go into the set, and we can't see it at all. The special effects guy
said, "Let me put a little smoke in." And oh my God, that light cut
right through everything. They wanted Patrick to look directly in the
lens, and nobody knew what was going to happen at all. Patrick turns to
the camera, and the refraction between the laser and the mirrors in the
camera made it look like it's just shattered everything. It's the one
time [executive producer] Rick Berman called me and
said, "This is fantastic! Oh my god." It blew Paramount away. If it was
an optical, it would have cost thousands of dollars and we did it with a
$200 laser.
"IS PICARD GOING TO BE KILLED?" The episode electrifies audiences when it begins airing on
syndication June 18, 1990. Even Trekkies who refused to accept Next
Generation as legitimate are buzzing. Rumors of Patrick Stewart's exit
swirl, with fans waiting an agonizing three months for the conclusion to
air in September. Meanwhile, the writers are tasked with figuring out
how to follow up their first cliffhanger ever. Moore: What people forget now is in the first couple of seasons of Next Generation, we were sort of not taken seriously as Star Trek.
The fans were split on the acceptance of the show. You would go to
conventions and there would be bumper stickers and t-shirts that
basically said, "I'm a real Trekker. Forget the bald guy." Stuff like
that. We were the second-tier Trek. When "Best of Both Worlds"
came out, suddenly there was all this buzz. And it got in the press and
there was all this tension and people were talking about the cliffhanger
and Picard. Jordan Hoffman, freelance writer/critic who specializes in Star Trek:After
that "To be continued…" we felt, "Is Picard going to be killed?" After
that episode, there was a lot of talk. Somehow we knew — there were
rumors that Patrick Stewart was going to leave the show. That was
definitely in the air. There would be somebody who goes, "You know
Patrick Stewart is leaving?" How do you know this? "Everyone knows it."
Dorn: We figured there wasn't any problem with
Patrick's contract. He was coming back. The interesting thing was, how
were they going to play that? Moore: "Part II," we did break the story together in
the writer's room, but when Michael did "Part I," he said, "I have no
idea how this thing ends. We're going to end on this cliffhanger of
"fire" and we're going to figure it out next season." We all gather in
the room, and it was essentially a new writing staff. I was the only
holdover from season three. We sat down, and Michael was like, "All
right, I don't know where we're going. Let's just try to figure out
something." Hoffman: Something that younger people don't quite get was the fact that Next Generation
was on in syndication. It was not on a major network. It was the first
show to be in syndication to have tremendous ratings. What that meant
was it was on in different times of the day depending on where you were.
I would go down to my grandparents' on the weekends. They were in
southern Jersey outside of the Philly markets. I lived in the New York
market. You could catch it three times a week. I relived that "to be
continued…" moment over and over. Moore: There were various efforts to try to keep the
scripts' distribution tight and the plot secret. They were trying to
watermark the scripts — which was a novelty at that point — and
number them. It was the pre-Internet days, so it wasn't like the files
were being passed around in emails. It was all hard copy stuff anyway. Gary Hutzel, visual effects coordinator: The budget
was small by today's standards. A lot of stuff you see on the series
wasn't shot on a professional stage. A lot of it was shot in people's
basements, because there was no money. Brent Spiner, Data: I remember Worf and Data beamed
over to the Borg ship to grab Picard and bring him back to the
Enterprise. There was a moment where a Borg is coming up behind me, and I
turn and blast him with my phaser. We shot a version of it where the
Borg was coming up behind me and I didn't even turn around. I just put
the phaser over my shoulder and shot it and blew it away. We thought
that would be really cool if Data just sensed it and didn't have to turn
around. It looked great, but they sent it to Rick Berman and he said,
"That's ridiculous. He can't do that. He doesn't have eyes in the back
of his head." So we didn't use that one.
Dorn: This might take away some of the drama for the
audience, but there is a scene where Data and I go and rescue Patrick. I
had to struggle with Patrick. He tries to hit me and I grab him and
we're going "ah, ah!" back and forth. And we just started cracking up.
We just started laughing uncontrollably. All of us laughed
uncontrollably most of the time on the show. Marina Sirtis, Counselor Deanna Troi: The episode
was a very important one for my character [Troi is key to figuring out
how to save Picard]. A lot of the time, I was decorative. Hey, that was
fine. I was a very ugly child, so if you had said to me when I was 13,
"One day you are going to grow up to be this sex symbol," I would have
asked if you were high. But, as far as character development goes, the
third going into the fourth season, where my advice was listened to, I
always used to treasure those moments. Every weekend at a convention,
someone will say to me it was so nice to see a competent woman on a TV
show who wasn't "the bitch." Troi was strong and professional, but took a
pride in her appearance. It was kind of a first, to have a professional
woman, who wasn't "the bitch." It was very important to me that the
writers began to see Troi as a whole person. I think it kind of started
with "Best of Both Worlds Part II." Westmore: Creating the Borg took a lot of makeup
artists and it took a lot of time. Not only because of the makeup, but
because they had the suits to put on. It was a process that probably
took at least three hours at that time. We had it down to a system,
where we could line them all up and make them up very fast. For the
faces, I found every makeup artist shades differently. In the early
shows, all the Borg had all different looks to them because of all the
different techniques people used to shade. Later, I took an airbrush
class and I could literally airbrush each one of them in a minute and a
half. It was easier for me to do than for a bunch of makeup artists,
where there'd be some great ones and there'd be some not so great ones.
That was the beginning of Star Trek using the airbrush. After that point, I insisted any makeup artist I hired knew how to use an airbrush.
Hutzel: My coordinator Judy Elkins,
had a great idea as we were preparing to do the destruction of the
fleet. We didn't have that much money to work with, and we had to
physically build everything. How do we show an entire fleet destroyed?
We invited people from the art department and other people on the show
for a kit bash. We got spaceship models and all destroyed them. And we
gave them our own names and whatever we wanted and put on them the ships
for the shot. We were able to get quite a few ships made that way with
pretty minimal effort and money. I rigged them all with internal
lighting to make them look like they are on fire and we shot then that
way. The toy company gave them to us for free. Spiner: Near the end, I'm hooked up to Patrick. It's a tribute to Michael Westmore's genius and his son Mike Jr.
who did all of the electronics. They always did a great job of opening
up my various bits. They opened up every part of my body, save one —
and they were saving that one for I guess in case we did another movie (laughs). Michael Westmore is a genius. Hutzel: I had to build the Borg ship because we
couldn't afford a modeler to make it. I just brought a whole bunch of
models. I put chicken wire over a framework. And I stapled that on and I
attached a board and attached all the plastic to it. We hung the cube
on one of the sound stages and the pyrotechnician came in and he rigged
it. Back then, if you really wanted to blow something up, you would use
primer cord. Nobody really does that anymore because it's dangerous. But
this thing is loaded with primer cord. They let it rip. I didn't know
that putting chicken wire inside of something with primer cord would
cause it to become a big grenade. And so when it went off, stuff flew
everywhere. Fortunately it was a safe situation and no one got hurt.
They'd cleared the stage before we fired it, but we came back in and saw
the mess on the floor and bits of chicken wire stuck on the walls. THE AFTERMATH The arc would go down as one of the most daring in Star Trek
history. It also gave birth to "Family," an understated but highly
acclaimed episode which saw Picard deal with the psychological trauma of
becoming a Borg, as well as Star Trek: First Contact (1996), the Next
Generation cast's most beloved film. Moore: That was the turning point on Next Generation's acceptance as Star Trek,
among the fans and with the public. Suddenly we had done something that
was legitimate and got people's attention and told a great story. From
then on out we carried the torch. We were legitimate and that was the
show that turned it around for us. Frakes: The cool thing about the story was that he
was forever haunted by Locutus being in his DNA. That informed the first
movie that I directed, First Contact. Moore: The second half of the show was kind of not
as satisfying as the first half, in all honesty. It was a little too
technobabble. It doesn't quite have the oomph that "Part I" did. But
Michael [Piller] was fine with that. He launched us into more
character-based storytelling. The next episode was "Family," which was a
complete character episode, which I got to write. It was set down on
Earth after Captain Picard's experience in "Best of Both Worlds." He
goes home and you meet his brother. There was no action-adventure
component to that episode. It showed you Piller was determined to make
the show more character-oriented and more about the people on the
Enterprise, instead of the alien on the week. Dorn: In the end, Patrick, although he was back and
he was fine and he was like, "Yeah, I'm fine. Everything is great," you
knew by his look, and by the way he felt and looked out the window that
it wasn't over. We didn't know how it wasn't going to be over, but it
wasn't over. Interestingly enough, it culminated in First Contact, the movie. Moore: We had to kind of fight for "Family." [Star Trek creator] Gene Roddenberry hated
it. He wanted to throw it out. My only story meeting with Gene was that
episode. It was me and Michael and Rick Berman, who was running the
production side of things, we all met in Gene's office and Gene just
said "this isn't the 24th century." "These brothers reflect outdated, 20th-Century
modes of childhood development. Mankind had solved these kind of issues
by then. I hate this." I sat there and I was a really green writer. I
was like, "Oh my God, what are we going to do? I'm dead." We walked out
in the hall and I just looked at Michael and Rick and was like, "What do
I do now?" They said, "You know what? Just go write your story, we'll
work with Gene." That was the last I ever heard of it. So they went off
behind the scenes and did something and got him to back off or let it go
or kind of distracted him with something else, because then we did the
'Star Trek: Beyond': Idris Elba está deseando rodar sus escenas de la película con Zachary Quinto
La tercera entrega protagonizada por los tripulantes de la USS Enterprise se estrena en España el 15 de julio de 2016.
Star Trek Beyond acaba de comenzar su rodaje en Vancouver, Canadá, y el que será el villano de la tercera entrega, Idris Elba, ya está deseando poder rodar sus escenas con Zachary Quinto. "Spock era probablemente mi personaje favorito, y en la película tengo algunas escenas con Zachary Quinto", asegura el actor de Luther,Pacific Rim o The Wire.
En la línea de emular a LosVengadores de Marvel, Paramount Pictures ha buscado sangre nueva en el reparto con la elección de Idris Elba como el villano de la película pero, ¿es Idris Elba un fan de la serie? "Casi todo el mundo era un 'trekkie'... Yo no puedo decir que fuera un fan incondicional de Star Trek, pero la he visto [la serie] un millón de veces”, comenta el actor. Star Trek Beyond llegará a las pantallas de España y EE.UU el 15 de julio de 2016 y contará una vez más con Chris Pine y Zachary Quinto en los papeles del Capitán Kirk y Spock, respectivamente.
domingo, 5 de julio de 2015
RUMOR: First Info on TREK BEYOND’s Dubai Shoot?
As we reported last week,STAR TREK BEYOND will be headed to Dubai later this year to film scenes for the upcoming sequel. The UAE's The National is now reporting that the extremely modern city will be the setting of some kind of "vertical alien city" encountered by the Enterprise
crew during their journey. This report also claims the Dubai shoot will
occur sometime in August, a timeline that fits with the known BEYOND production schedule (expected to run through October).
Until we can confirm more details about Dubai's integration into the film, we're treating this as rumor -- we'll keep working to obtain more concrete information on this for you.
In the meantime, how does this spark of an idea sound to you? Tell us in the comments below!
sábado, 4 de julio de 2015
El Holodeck de Star Trek ya es real gracias a los japoneses
Los clásicos hologramas de la ciencia
ficción, como el Holodeck de Star Trek, ya son reales mediante la
tecnología láser femtosegundo.
Investigadores japoneses han creado el holograma de un hada que puede tocarse y sentirse
gracias al láser de femtosegundo. Esta tecnología opera con rápidos
impulsos programados de más y menos energía capaz de agitar partículas y
de ser controladas por una computadora.
El avance recuerda por momentos a Star Trek y su Holodeck basado en la invención de una imagen holográfica
tangible. Si eras aficionado a la serie, recordarás que era un elemento
básico, sobre todo en el primer episodio de la nueva generación y que
la sala de hologramas era fruto de numerosas interacciones entre los
Esta minúscula hada azul se ha conseguido agitando las partículas del aire en un punto concreto del espacio.
Cualquiera puede sentir esas partículas en movimiento como si hubiera
una presencia sólida, aunque puede atravesarse sin sufrir ningún daño
debido al minúsculo tamaño de estas.
Además de conseguir simular hologramas para los capitanes de naves espaciales, esta tecnología podría tener usos más inmediatos y prácticos.
Con este descubrimiento se abre un mundo de posibilidades en el
apartado de la investigación tecnológica. Los hologramas han estado
presentes en la ficción desde hace ya bastante tiempo y el hecho de
confirmarlos sería revolucionario, tanto para nuestra vista, como para
nuestro tacto. Es posible que en el futuro, como dicen los expertos,
veamos dispositivos móviles o computadoras basadas en hologramas, donde las teclas serían solo movimiento de partículas como ha sucedido con esta hada primigenia.
viernes, 3 de julio de 2015
Nimoy Memories From Friends and Family
A memorial for Leonard Nimoy was held at Symphony Space in New York City and friends and family shared their memories of the actor at the event.
Nimoy had funded Symphony Space, a performing arts center on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, and one of its two theaters bears his name.
On Monday, a day of programming was dedicated to Nimoy, and a free ten-hour Star Trek
episode marathon took place. That evening, those who knew Nimoy best
came together to remember the actor; including his wife Susan, daughter
Julie, son Adam, Zachary Quinto, John de Lancie, Ted Danson and more.
De Lancie told a story about Nimoy and his love of Hershey’s Kisses. While working on Alien Voices (an audio drama) together, Nimoy was prone to eating the chocolate during the recording session.
“Where Leonard was concerned, there was no such thing as a bad piece
of chocolate,” said de Lancie. “Whenever we started recording, he would
dive into a bowl of Hershey’s Kisses.”
But chocolate “gums up the works,” said de Lancie, and the recording
engineer asked de Lancie to tell Nimoy to refrain from eating it during
recording. “YOU tell him,” said de Lancie. But he did talk to Nimoy,
suggesting “a nice apple” instead. Nimoy laughed and ate more chocolate.
The engineer fixed the problem though, creating an algorithm that
“filter[ed] out the chocolate. Nimoy was free to continue munching on
the chocolate treats.
Quinto spoke about his relationship to Nimoy, to whom he became very
close. “I could never imagine he’d become more of a father figure to me
than anyone in my life since I lost my own father thirty years ago,” he
said. “He was a seeker of the highest order…and inspired millions of
people to strive for dignity and truth.
“We are the luckiest who knew him…we have been, and always shall be, your friend.”
There will be seventeen conventions, shows or appearances in July and August that will feature actors of interest to Star Trek fans. This listing of conventions and shows features actors from all of the televised series and several of the Star Trek movies.
July begins with the Montreal Comiccon to be held July 3-5 at the Palais des Congres in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. In attendance at Montreal Comiccon will be Jeffrey Combs, Ron Perlman, and Garrett Wang.
Next up is ConnectiCon will be held July 9-12 at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford, Connecticut. In attendance at ConnectiCon will be Nichelle Nichols, Deep Roy, George Takei, and Tony Todd.
The London Film & Comic Con will be held July 17-19 at the Olympia in London, England. In attendance at London Film & Comic Con will be Clifton Collins, Jr. (Star Trek 2009‘s Ayel), Nicole de Boer, Jacqueline Kim (Demora Sulu), Alice Krige, Christopher Lloyd, Malcolm McDowell, Ethan Phillips, Tim Russ, and Garrett Wang. Space City Comic Con will be held July 24-26 at the NRG Center in Houston, Texas. In attendance at Space City Comic Con will be Robert Beltran, Manu Intiraymi, Kate Mulgrew, Ethan Phillips, Robert Picardo, Tim Russ, William Shatner, Rick Sternbach, and Garrett Wang.
On the same weekend, Comic Con Honolulu will be held at the Hawaii Convention Center in Honolulu, Hawaii. In attendance at Comic Con Honolulu will be Gates McFadden. Vul-Con will be held July 25-26 in Vulcan, Alberta, Canada. In attendance at Vul-Con will be Gary Graham, Catherine Hicks, and Tony Todd. Fanboy Expo will be held July 25-27 at the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay in Tampa, Florida. In attendance at Fanboy Expo will be Anthony Montgomery. Gen Con will be held July 30 – Aug. 2 at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, Indiana. In attendance at Gen Con will be Marina Sirtis.
The Hollywood Show will be held July 31-Aug 2 at the Westin Los Angeles Airport Hotel in Los Angeles, California. In attendance at the Hollywood Show will be John Billingsley, Bobby Clark (Gorn), James Darren, Joseph Gatt (Star Trek into Darkness), Richard Herd, Dominic Keating, Sally Kellerman, Sean Kenney, Joanne Linville, Gary Lockwood, Barbara Luna, Don Marshall (Lt. Boma), Lee Meriwether, France Nuyen (Elaan of Troyius), Robert Picardo, Tim Russ, and William Shatner.
Wrapping up July will be Galacticon 4, to be held Jul 31-Aug 2 at the Seattle Center in Seattle, Washington. In attendance at Galacticon 4 will be J.G. Hertzler, Manu Intiraymi, and Robert O’Reilly.
August begins with The Official Star Trek Convention will be held Aug. 6-9 at the Rio Suites Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. In attendance at The Official Star Trek Convention will be Marc
Alaimo, Vaughn Armstrong, Richard Arnold, Rene Auberjonois, Robert
Beltran, Casey Biggs, John Billingsley, Brannon Braga, Bobby Clark, Joan
Collins, Jeffrey Combs, Denise Crosby, Olivia d’Abo, Michael Dante,
James Darren, Roxanne Dawson, Nicole de Boer, John de Lancie, Elizabeth
Dennehy (Commander Shelby), Chris Doohan, Michael Dorn,
Doug Drexler, Aron Eisenberg, Terry Farrell, Jonathan Frakes, Bryan
Fuller, Joseph Gatt, Max Grodenchik, Richard Herd, J.G. Hertzler,
Jennifer Hetrick (Vash), Manu Intiraymi, Sherry
Jackson, Salome Jens, Dominic Keating, Walter Koenig, Alice Krige,
Joanne Linville, Cirroc Lofton, Don Marshall, Chase Masterson, Anthony
Montgomery, Ronald B. Moore, Kate Mulgrew, Larry Nemecek, Adam Nimoy,
Denise Okuda, Mike Okuda, Robert O’Reilly, Linda Park, Eddie Paskey,
Ethan Phillips, Robert Picardo, Andrew Robinson, Rod Roddenberry, David
L. Ross (Lt. Galloway and Lt. Johnson), Saul Rubinek, Tim Russ, Jeri Ryan, Judson Scott (Joachim from The Wrath of Khan), William Shatner, Mark Allen Shepherd (Morn), Armin
Shimerman, Alexander Siddig, Marina Sirtis, Rick Sternbach, Sir Patrick
Stewart, Kitty Swink, George Takei, Connor Trinneer, Karl Urban, Nana
Visitor, Garrett Wang, Michael Westmore, and Celeste Yarnall.
Next up is Shore Leave will be held Aug. 7-9 at the Baltimore Hunt Valley Inn in Hunt Valley, Maryland. In attendance at Shore Leave will be Daniel Davis (Professor James Moriarty).
The Steel City Con will be held Aug. 7-9 at the Monroeville Convention Center in Monroeville, Pennsylvania. In attendance at Steel City Con will be Nichelle Nichols.
The Dublin Comic Con will be held Aug. 8-9 at the Convention Centre Dublin in Dublin, Ireland. In attendance at Dublin Comic Con will be Gates McFadden.
The Windsor ComiCon will be held Aug. 15-16 at the Caesars Windsor in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. In attendance at Windsor ComiCon will be Marina Sirtis.
The Central Coast Comic Con will be held Aug. 28-30 at the Ventura County Fairgrounds in Ventura, California. In attendance at Central Coast Comic Con will be Sid Haig (Lawgiver in Return of the Archons) and Deep Roy.
Wrapping up August will be the Bournemouth Film & Comic Con will be held Aug. 29-30 at the Bournemouth International Centre in Bournemouth, England. In attendance at the Bournemouth Film & Comic Con will be Max Grodenchik.