jueves, 28 de enero de 2016

Locutus of Borg

L is for Locutus of Borg but who is he? In Star Trek TNG's Best of Both Worlds, Picard's Enterprise-D crew get their butts kicked in a battle with the big scary Borg. Victorious, trek's cybernetic baddies beam off the Federation's Galaxy class fortress with their prized possession, Captain Picard. How could this be happenning, I hear you ask. Well to be honest, TNG's Best of Both Worlds left many of us gobsmacked on stardate 44001.4 It was spine chillingly thrilling watching Picard become Locutus of Borg. However, many of us still couldn't accept Starfleet's finest diplomat was now the enemy, a walking and talking Borg.

 'I am Locutus of Borg. Resistance is futile. Your life as it has been is over. From now on, you will service us.'

 How did you react when Commander Riker gave the order?

 'Mr Worf.....fire.'

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